What does this hope look like...?
Anyone looking for the reason for the peace and hope I possess in the light of the extremely pessimistic (bordering on nihilistic) outlook on life I have put forward thus far need look no further than my own explanation below. There IS a hope so sure that sweeps away any and all apprehension about this life or the next and allows us to live assured and securely today in what is certainly a most uncertain and fragile world.
What is this hope? See below:
Sonnet #25
Who can fathom the depths that grace will reach
O, please tell me for I am at a loss.
I defy someone more than this to teach
More than I've learned from the truth of the cross.
When your own soul for damnation cries out,
Still he does not withdraw this unfair love;
Piercing the deepest, darkest of all doubts,
Raising haunted eyes to a hope above.
Who am I that He should care about me
Sovereign potentate of the universe;
Let alone give his Son as a guarantee
That my punishment would now be reversed.
To find a cure for sin, a hopeless task
Till a father his son one thing did ask.
Saturday 9 April 2005
Life as we know it is not just miscellaneous, it is tragic and unfair -- that is why the solution had to be tragic and unfair, but not to us, to someone else who never deserved it...
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