Romantic but not sentimental...!
A recent trip to Paris should have been enough to awaken any romantic sensibilities within me. Alas, the poem below was written over two years ago. Nevetheless, it would seem fitting to bid farewell to (yet another) Valentines in such fashion.
The strange paradox with me is that, at the same time as being a hopeless romantic, I tend to shun all the fluffy sentimentality associated with days such as Valentines. Hope I haven't thrown a bucket of cold water over the poem before it has even been read...
Triolet III
O fair lady, do you not feel
The beat of my adoring heart
Do I so my love from you conceal?
O fair lady do you not feel
As I now to your soul appeal
How I weep when we are apart.
O fair lady do you not feel
The beat of my adoring heart?

Romantic, but not sentimental...
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