Read and lament... then choose
"The form of modern democracy is best explained as the paradoxical absorption into practice of the fiercest criticisms of democracy from those opposed to it." Simon Goldhill
The above statement from a excellent classics textbook on the ancient Greeks is, I believe, the exact representation of at least British society today. Surely this leaves us with no hope...? If even democracy these days is only an illusion then surely we are just waiting for this illusion to collapse, like the Matrix, leaving us in the cruel, cold world that is humanity, without hope, the last thing to die.
Well, if what we can see is all there is, then truly we are without hope. Jesus Christ invites each and every person, however, to 'listen' to what He has to tell them about the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the gospel that those Christians are always talking about (or should be). That Christ died in the place of sinners in order to bring us into the Kingdom of His Father, the Kingdom of Heaven. This is what we cannot see, yet know exists because it has been revealed to us by God Himself.
IF THE GOD OF THE BIBLE IS REAL, THEN THERE ARE ONLY TWO POSSIBLE COURSES FOR US TO FOLLOW IN ETERNITY! Don't you think, you should at least find out what they are. Every human has volition (the ability to choose) and so, we should probably be a bit better informed before we make the only choice that will affect where we spend eternity. Click on the below link to find out.
Two ways to live: The Choice We All Face

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